Hua headshot

Hua Chen

  • Associate Professor, Department of Marketing


Hua Chen received his PhD in Marketing from the Bauer College of Business, University of Houston and joined UGA from his position as Assistant Professor of Marketing at the College of Business Administration, University of Mississippi. His research employs behavioral economics and experimental economics to examine questions facing marketing and sales managers. Currently, his research focuses on how to design optimal incentives for salespeople. His research work has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and Management Science.


  • PhD, Marketing, Bauer College of Business, University of Houston, 2012

Research Interests

  • Sales management
  • Incentive Design
  • Sales management
  • B-to-B Marketing
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Experimental Economics


Journal Articles

  • Chen, Hua and Kevin Chung. 2021. Increasing Team Performance by Sharing Success. Journal of Marketing Research, 58(4): 662-685.
  • Li, Jia, Noah Lim, and Hua Chen. 2020. Examining Salesperson Effort Allocation in Teams: A Randomized Field Experiment. Marketing Science, 39(6): 1122-1141.
  • Chen, Hua and Noah Lim. 2017. How Does Team Composition Affect Effort in Contests? A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis. Journal Of Marketing Research, 54(1):44-60 (equal authorship).
  • Lim, Noah and Hua Chen. 2014. When Do Group Incentives for Salespeople Work? Journal Of Marketing Research, 51(3):320-334 (equal authorship).
  • Chen, Hua and Noah Lim. 2013. Should Managers Use Team-based Contests? Management Science, 59(12):2823-2836.
  • Chen, Hua, Sung H. Ham, and Noah Lim. 2011. Designing Asymmetric Multi-Person Tournaments: An Experimental Study. Management Science, 57(5):864-883 (equal authorship).

Awards, Honors, and Recognition

  • Young Scholar, Marketing Science Institute (MSI), 2017
  • Outstanding Published Paper, School of Business Administration, University of Mississippi, 2015